Why Walking Can Change Your Life

Since the start of lockdown, I have been taking daily walks. This has changed my life.

Last year the COVID-19 pandemic hit and lockdowns were enforced across the world. This also meant gyms were closed, which was a big blow to myself, as this was often the only place I would get some form of exercise. With gyms closed (and basically everything else), I started to ask myself how I could get some form of exercise to bring the physical and mental benefits. I had some dumbbells at home so could get a little home workout, but this wasn’t enough. As a result, I simply started to go for daily walks after work, which has brought so many benefits that I didn’t expect.

Benefits of walking daily

  1. Mental clarity and emotional balance

You know them days where everything seems to go against you? When you feel down for some reason? The easiest fix for me lately is to just get out and go for a walk. Even if it’s just 5 minutes, it helps me reset my focus and feel like I have walked my cares away.

  1. Creativity

On a walk, I am able to relax my mind and let it wander, and just take in the people and scenery. Whenever I am struggling on how to implement something at work or even deciding what to write for a blog, walking always helps gives me that spark of inspiration. The simple act of letting go and wandering helps me tap into my brain and draw upon my ideas.

  1. Recovery

For years, I have gone gym, done a few stretches but still felt a bit stiff the next day. Also, with my job, I am sitting down in a chair in front of computer, which gives me the back pain of someone 50 years older me. I think walking has just given me that extra flexibility and has helped with recovery. Also, as it doesn’t bring the high stress on joints as weight training does, it is a great way to get cardio on a rest day.

  1. Stress relief

A walk provides almost instant stress relief. Numerous studies show that it can lower the levels of stress hormones. For me personally, when I am in busy season and doing 60-hour work weeks at work, I sometimes feel overwhelmed and have heightened levels of anxiety. Fitting 30 mins in the day for a walk helps me deal with these issues, and I begin to feel better physically, mentally and spiritually.

  1. Better perspective

When you start to walk around more, you begin to take notice of the smaller details you would have looked over before. Since walking, I have begun appreciating nature more. It is also surprising how walking around more can help you discover different areas even around the areas you have lived in for years. There are so many cool houses I have discovered or paths and scenery that I didn’t even know existed!

  1. It is fun.

Last and certainly not least, walking is just fun! It might sound sad, but it my daily walk has become something I always look forward to!

I encourage everyone to get out there and just get some sort of movement or activity in. I promise that once you start, it will be hard to stop!

I hope this has inspired you to get your walking shoes on and start walking.

Shahid Ali

Content creator

I am an auditor who works for a Big Four firm. In my spare time, I enjoy blogging about topics which help you grow.

Shahid Ali