Take Care of Yourself

Hi all,

So thought I would start this new ‘category’ of blogs up, called ‘Lifestyle’. Essentially, it would be a space where I can talk about anything in my life. I will still aim to write a blog to the other sections every week, but these lifestyle blogs will be a bit different and unstructured.

I thought I would start off these lifestyle blogs by talking about the last few weeks. Honestly, work has been really busy and stressful. This has caused my anxiety to increase to the point where on a Friday, I am already dreading the Monday. Because of this, I have become someone who ‘lives for the weekend’. On a Monday, I am already thinking in my head ‘4 more days till Friday’.

This isn’t a good way to live and isn’t a good way to live mentally. Also, it’s caused me to not live in the present and in the moment, and instead just think solely in the future (weekend) or in the past (good memories). Essentially, my life has been on autopilot for the last few weeks.

Its weird though isn’t it. I feel like I have a good understanding of living in the present, different tips on reducing stress etc etc. Yet, there are still moments where for some reason, things just take over. And because of that, everything I have learned goes out the window.

One of my aims this year is to really put the things I learn into practice. It’s easy reading about meditation, living in present and reducing stress. It easy to do these things on a nice summer day when you’re not too busy and life is good. But implementing these practices when everything in your day is busy and stressful is another story.

These last few weeks have taught me how easy it is to get lost in it all. For some people, this is their life 24/7, and if I’m not careful, it could be mine as well. I need to take care of myself. Just because my day is busy, I need to make sure I still take out 5 or 10 mins to meditate. Just because I have a whole bunch of work to do, I still need to take time out for my daily work. Of course there is a balance to everything, and I acknowledge that sometimes work does take over and it should be prioritised. However, it is crucial that it does not become your life. 

Take care of yourself. Your identity is more than your work. Your wellbeing is more important than your work.



Shahid Ali

Content creator

I am an auditor who works for a Big Four firm. In my spare time, I enjoy blogging about topics which help you grow.

Shahid Ali