Longer Hours but More Sunshine

Hi all!

More of a general life update today. I am coming towards the end of the audit busy season, which is a relief. However, it also means that it’s that time to start wrapping up our audit, which means deadlines and long hours.

I can’t lie, this week has been tough. However, there has been a lot of positive moments this week as well.

On Thursday, myself and my colleagues met up with my counsellor who is leaving the company and going elsewhere. It was great to take a break from work and seeing everyone. It was also a reminder to myself to go to the office more, as I often forget how nice it is to catch up with colleagues.

We are also nearing the end of March, which means that the sun has finally started to come out more. Don’t get me wrong, its still chilly here in the UK. However, it feels so nice getting some sunshine throughout the day. I think as I have got older, I have started to appreciate the weather more and have noticed how it can drastically change my mood. It’s definitely got me thinking if I want to move abroad in the future.

Other than that, it’s been a pretty standard week. I think next week will likely be even busier, so I am going to make the most of this weekend and chill as much as I can 🙂

Shahid Ali

Content creator

I am an auditor who works for a Big Four firm. In my spare time, I enjoy blogging about topics which help you grow.

Shahid Ali