After just over 2 years of being COVID free, I finally tested positive last week.

This completely caught me by surprise. I think I was naïve to think that just because we don’t hear about COVID anymore, the chances of me catching COVID these days were close to impossible. It also didn’t make sense as I haven’t been in contact with anyone who has had COVID.

It’s weird isn’t it? A topic that was the centre of discussion for the past 2 years has just completely been forgotten about.

Although my symptoms weren’t too severe, I certainly still felt it. Who knows what variant this is by now, but I dread to think what I may have gone through had I caught a stronger variant.

It all started last week when I woke up and felt low on energy. I just thought I may have had a poor sleep. The thought of having COVID never entered my mind.

Because of this, I still dragged myself to the gym and tried to go about my day as normal. However, I found it really difficult. At the gym, I could barely keep my eyes open and had to shut them between sets. I couldn’t even stare at my laptop for longer than an hour when working and had to keep napping.

The next day, I woke up and had a sore throat and runny nose. That’s when I knew something was wrong and ended up doing a COVID test, for which I tested positive.

Fortunately, I managed to take some time off work so I could rest and recover properly. After 7 days of testing positive, I finally managed to test negative. Thankfully, my symptoms also reduced to the point where I pretty much felt normal when I tested negative.

Of course, whilst COVID isn’t the topic of mainstream media anymore, there is still a lot of information out there on the internet, which is difficult to distinguish of what is true and false.

Some say it’s only as bad as a cold. Others share horrifying experiences that would incite fear in anyone. My experience certainly hasn’t been horrifying, but as a young fit adult in their 20s, I definitely still felt it and it certainly wasn’t just a cold.

With this in mind, I think it’s important to understand that we are all unique, and we will all have different experiences with the virus. Therefore, whilst COVID isn’t the main topic of discussion these days, it’s still important to take of ourselves and reduce the transmission, as it’s still out there.

I’m not saying wear a mask everywhere, but I do think it’s important to try our best to carry out best practices, such as washing and sanitising our hands regularly. COVID or not, things like this can help reduce infection and stop us getting ill anyway.

Whatever your experience or thoughts on COVID are, I think it has brought to light where we as human beings can improve our daily practices.

Why not take the lessons from this and become healthier versions of ourselves?

Shahid Ali

Content creator

I am an auditor who works for a Big Four firm. In my spare time, I enjoy blogging about topics which help you grow.

Shahid Ali