Get a Kindle!

With Black Friday Sales and Christmas coming up, I thought I would write about a product that has been one of my best purchases in the last few years. As you can see from the title, it’s a Kindle!

Yes, it’s not a PS5 or a new MacBook, but it’s a product that has massively increased the number of books I have read.

Here are some of the reasons you should get a Kindle.

It reduces the friction for reading

Before I had a Kindle, I always found it difficult to read. Firstly, I was too impatient to wait for the physical books to arrive. Also, whenever I did read books, it would be lying in bed before actually falling asleep. Therefore, I couldn’t exactly tuck the book under the bed sheets to read, as it would be too dark to read the text. I was also too lazy to even flick through the pages at some times.

Having a Kindle on your bedside makes things so much easier. Firstly, it’s just one small device, so it’s easy to just have it there, as opposed to having a pile of books. It also an electronic device with a nice 6-inch display. This makes it possible to read books in pretty much any lighting conditions.

The Kindle mobile app is also pretty good, so on occasions when I don’t have my Kindle with me, I just carry on reading on my phone (which syncs seamlessly with the actual Kindle so I don’t lose my place).

It makes getting new books easier

By having a Kindle it just makes it so much easier to buy a new book. If I hear about a new book on YouTube or a podcast I’m listening to, I can purchase the book with one click of the button on my phone. As soon as I get back home and boot up my Kindle, the book is already downloaded and ready to read.

Also, books on Kindle are generally cheaper than physical books, which again is a massive incentive to keep on reading.

Taking notes is also easier

I must admit I never used to take notes in physical books. I don’t want to be writing in the book just in case I lend it to someone else in the future. I also can’t be bothered with using sticky notes.

Having a Kindle has made this so much easier and to be honest, this has probably been the greatest advantage of using a Kindle for me. You can use the touchscreen to highlight whatever you want, and then you can browse through your highlights on any device to remind yourself of your favourite quotes/lessons. It’s just so much easier!

Yes, having a Kindle isn’t that romanticised experience of ‘reading a physical book’ that everyone loves to go on about. It also doesn’t look as pretty as having a nice book shelf in your room full of books. However, I think that the benefits, at least for me personally, far outweigh the benefits of using physical books.

So yeah, overall, my Kindle has been one of the best purchases I’ve ever made. The books I’ve read on it have added an enormous amount of value to my life, and I can’t recommend it highly enough.

Shahid Ali

Content creator

I am an auditor who works for a Big Four firm. In my spare time, I enjoy blogging about topics which help you grow.

Shahid Ali