Busy Busy Busy

Busy busy busy.

This basically summarises my life at this moment in time.

I am currently working on one of my favourite clients, who are an exciting business with some cool products. As it’s a year-end audit the client is FTSE 250 listed, my life is mostly work right now. Yes, the timing isn’t great as it’s summer, but in a weird way, I kind of like it?

Like, it’s nice to be busy throughout the week and constantly have something to do. Of course, long-term this isn’t sustainable, but after the long(ish) break in May, I feel like I needed this. Also, apart from a decent week in June, the weather in the UK hasn’t been that great. So it’s not like I’m missing out on much anyway.

Outside of Work

Apart from that, everything is pretty much normal. My gym routine has slightly shifted as I have been travelling more for work throughout the week. However, I am still getting my sessions in. In fact, I actually feel the best I have ever felt in the gym. Not only this, but I am enjoying going to the gym again. A large part of this is probably as its summer, which certainly makes them 7 am sessions easier!

There is also a big personal goal I have been working towards this summer. I have to be honest, so far, I haven’t been successful in reaching that goal. However, the important thing I need to remind myself is to be consistent, keep pushing, and hopefully, I can achieve what I set out to achieve. I can’t speak too much about it yet, but when I can, I will be sure to share the journey on my blog.

Favourite Things This Past Month


  • I have been listening to a lot of Andrew Huberman recently. I was recommended his podcast by my barber, for whom I am so grateful, as Andrew’s podcast has become one of my favourites.
  • Andrew is a neuroscientist from Stanford University who discusses neuroscience and science-based tools.
  • Here is the YouTube link, I highly recommend it!


  • Currently reading ‘The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less’, by Barry Schwartz.
  • Really enjoying it so far and will be doing a review on my blog soon.

TV Shows

  • Stranger Things season 4! Absolutely loving this season. Along with season 1, this season is probably my favourite.
  • Started part 2 of season 4 yesterday and have the final episode to watch tomorrow.
  • Shoutout Kate Bush.

Shahid Ali

Content creator

I am an auditor who works for a Big Four firm. In my spare time, I enjoy blogging about topics which help you grow.

Shahid Ali